(* text-window.sig *) (* Copyright (C) 2004 Dominic Gelinas documentation Copyright (C) 2006 Cole Hoosier This file is part of crypto, a cryptogram encoder/decoder. See the file COPYING.txt for copying and usage restrictions *) signature TEXT_WINDOW = sig structure W : WIDGET type textwindow (* creates a textwindow using the root, view, and args passed to it *) val textWindow : (W.root * W.view * W.arg list) -> textwindow (* creates a textwindow using the root, view, and args passed to it, but sets line-wrapping on *) val textArea : (W.root * W.view * W.arg list) -> textwindow (* creates a textwindow using the root, view, and args passed to it, but sets line-wrapping off *) val textField : (W.root * W.view * W.arg list) -> textwindow (* returns the widget for a textwindow *) val widgetOf : textwindow -> W.widget (* returns the string currently displayed in the textwindow *) val getText : textwindow -> string (* sets the string to be displayed in the textwindow *) val setText : textwindow -> string -> unit (* returns whether the textwindow is currently active *) val getActive : textwindow -> bool (* sets the activity property of the textwindow *) val setActive : textwindow -> bool -> unit (* returns whether the textwindow is currently editable *) val getEditable : textwindow -> bool (* sets the editability property of the textwindow *) val setEditable : textwindow -> bool -> unit (* returns how many rows high the textwindow is *) val getRows : textwindow -> int (* sets how many rows high the textwindow should be *) val setRows : textwindow -> int -> unit (* returns how many columns wide the textwindow is *) val getColumns : textwindow -> int (* sets how many columns wide the textwindow should be *) val setColumns : textwindow -> int -> unit (* returns the current position of the caret in the textwindow, this is a 1-dimensional position with '0' being the position to the left of the first character on the first line *) val getCaretPosition : textwindow -> int (* sets the current position of the caret in the textwindow this is a 1-dimensional position with '0' being the position to the left of the first character on the first line *) val setCaretPosition : textwindow -> int -> unit (* returns the font currently used in the textwindow *) val getFont : textwindow -> W.EXB.font (* sets the font to be used in the textwindow *) val setFont : textwindow -> W.EXB.font -> unit (* returns the foreground color used when textwindow is active *) val getActiveFgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color (* sets the foreground color used when textwindow is active *) val setActiveFgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color -> unit (* returns the background color used when textwindow is active *) val getActiveBgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color (* sets the background color used when textwindow is active *) val setActiveBgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color -> unit (* returns the foreground color used when textwindow is inactive *) val getInactiveFgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color (* sets the foreground color used when textwindow is inactive *) val setInactiveFgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color -> unit (* returns the background color used when textwindow is inactive *) val getInactiveBgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color (* sets the background color used when textwindow is inactive *) val setInactiveBgColor : textwindow -> W.EXB.color -> unit end (* TEXT_WINDOW *)