%% an article (as opposed to a letter or book or other type of document) %% with a 12 point font \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{xurl} %% package for formatting URLs \begin{document} \begin{center}\Huge\bf Annotated Bibliography for\\ \emph{Role of Encryption in Society Paper} \end{center} \begin{center}\LARGE\bf \emph{Student Name} \end{center} \section{Paper Topic and Contestable Thesis} \emph{In this section---consisting of one or two paragraphs---you should briefly describe the topic of your paper and what you hope your contestable thesis will be.} \emph{The rest of your annotated bibliography should consist of answers to the following five questions for \textbf{six to eight} sources that you will use in your paper.} \emph{The title and references below are just examples---you're not being asked to use them in your paper!} \section{Joan Feigenbaum} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Citation}: \cite{Feigenbaum19}. \item \textbf{Type of source}: \emph{Peer-reviewed journal, public intellectual essay, newspaper, website, blog, etc.} \item \textbf{Authority of the source or author}: \emph{What expertise or relevant experience does this person have? Why do we care about their views on this topic? Is this person biased? If so, how should we take that into account?} \item \textbf{Main argument}: \emph{What is the source's main argument, or if there are multiple arguments that are relevant to your paper, what are they?} \item \textbf{Plan for usage}: \emph{How do you plan to use this source in support of your contestable thesis.} \end{itemize} \section{Eugene Spafford} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Citation}: \cite{Spafford16}. \item \textbf{Type of source}: \ldots \item \textbf{Authority of the source or author}: \ldots \item \textbf{Main argument}: \ldots \item \textbf{Plan for usage}: \ldots \end{itemize} \section{Mayank Varia} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Citation}: \cite{Varia18}. \item \textbf{Type of source}: \ldots \item \textbf{Authority of the source or author}: \ldots \item \textbf{Main argument}: \ldots \item \textbf{Plan for usage}: \ldots \end{itemize} \section{\emph{your own source---add more below}} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Citation}: \item \textbf{Type of source}: \ldots \item \textbf{Authority of the source or author}: \ldots \item \textbf{Main argument}: \ldots \item \textbf{Plan for usage}: \ldots \end{itemize} %% add more references below \bibliography{references} %% bibliography \bibliographystyle{alpha} %% citation style to be used in our course \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: