signature PROG
structure Prog
The module defines the abstract type of programs.
datatype const
= True
| False
| Nil
datatype oper
= IsNil
| IsInt
| IsNeg
| IsZero
| IsPos
| IsSym
| IsStr
| IsPair
| IsLam
| Plus
| Minus
| Compare
| Fst
| Snd
| ConsSym
| DeconsSym
| SymListToStr
| StrToSymList
datatype concr
= Var of Var.var
| Const of const
| Int of
| Sym of Sym.sym
| Str of Str.str
| Pair of concr * concr
| Calc of oper * concr
| Cond of concr * concr * concr
| App of concr * concr
| Lam of Var.var * concr
| LetSimp of Var.var * concr * concr
| LetRec of Var.var * Var.var * concr * concr
type prog
val fromConcr : concr -> prog
val toConcr : prog -> concr
val var : Var.var -> prog
val const : const -> prog
val int : -> prog
val sym : Sym.sym -> prog
val str : Str.str -> prog
val pair : prog * prog -> prog
val calc : oper * prog -> prog
val cond : prog * prog * prog -> prog
val app : prog * prog -> prog
val lam : Var.var * prog -> prog
val letSimp : Var.var * prog * prog -> prog
val letRec : Var.var * Var.var * prog * prog -> prog
val fromString : string -> prog
val input : string -> prog
val toPP : prog -> PP.pp
val toString : prog -> string
val output : string * prog -> unit
val compare : prog Sort.total_ordering
val equal : prog * prog -> bool
val toStr : prog -> Str.str
val fromStr : Str.str -> prog
val validPath : prog * int list -> bool
val height : prog -> int
val size : prog -> int
val numLeaves : prog -> int
val select : prog * int list -> prog
val update : prog * int list * prog -> prog
val maximumLengthPath : prog -> int list
val validLeafPath : prog * int list -> bool
val free : prog -> Var.var Set.set
type cp
val toClosed : prog -> cp
val fromClosed : cp -> prog
val subst : cp * Var.var * prog -> prog
val isValue : cp -> bool
datatype step
= Value
| Error
| Next of cp
val step : cp -> step
datatype run
= Ans of cp
| Fail of cp
| Intermed of cp
val run : cp * int -> run
val evaluate : prog * int -> unit
datatype accept
= Accept
| RejectWithFalse
| RejectOtherwise
| Unknown of cp
val accept : cp -> Str.str * int -> accept
val accepted : prog -> Str.str * int -> unit
val toRep : prog -> prog
val fromRep : prog -> prog
val isRep : prog -> bool
val jforlanNew : unit -> prog
val jforlanEdit : prog -> prog
val jforlanValidate : string -> unit
val jforlanPretty : string -> unit
datatype const
= True
| False
| Nil
datatype oper
= IsNil
| IsInt
| IsNeg
| IsZero
| IsPos
| IsSym
| IsStr
| IsPair
| IsLam
| Plus
| Minus
| Compare
| Fst
| Snd
| ConsSym
| DeconsSym
| SymListToStr
| StrToSymList
datatype concr
= Var of Var.var
| Const of const
| Int of
| Sym of Sym.sym
| Str of Str.str
| Pair of concr * concr
| Calc of oper * concr
| Cond of concr * concr * concr
| App of concr * concr
| Lam of Var.var * concr
| LetSimp of Var.var * concr * concr
| LetRec of Var.var * Var.var * concr * concr
, Var v
is the one-node tree labeled by var(v)
, Const con
is the one-node tree labeled by const(con)
, Int n
is the one-node tree labeled by int(n)
, Sym a
is the one-node tree labeled by sym(a)
, Str x
is the one-node tree labeled by str(x)
and pr2
, Pair(pr1, pr2)
is the tree whose root node is labeled by pair
, with two children, a left child pr1
, and a right child pr2
and programs pr
, Calc(oper, pr)
is the tree whose root node is labeled by calc(oper)
, with one child pr
, pr2
and pr3
, Cond(pr1, pr2, pr3)
is the tree whose root node is labeled by cond
, with three children, a left child pr1
, a middle child pr2
, and a right child pr3
and pr2
, App(pr1, pr2)
is the tree whose root node is labeled by app
, with two children, a left child pr1
, and a right child pr2
and programs pr
, Lam(v, pr)
is the tree whose root node is labeled lam(v)
, with one child pr
and programs pr1
and pr2
, LetSimp(v, pr1,
is the tree whose root node is labeled letSimp(v)
, with two children, a left child pr1
, and a right child pr2
and v2
, and programs pr1
and pr2
, LetRec(v1, v2, pr1, pr2)
is the tree whose root node is labeled letRec(v1, v2)
, with two children, a left child pr1
, and a right child pr2
type prog
fromConcr concr
toConcr pr
var v
Var v
const con
Const con
int n
Int n
sym a
Sym a
str x
Str x
pair(pr1, pr2)
Pair(pr1, pr2)
calc(oper, pr)
Calc(oper, pr)
cond(pr1, pr2, pr3)
Cond(pr1, pr2, pr2)
App(pr1, pr2)
app(pr1, pr2)
lam(v, pr)
Lam(v, pr)
letSimp(v, pr1, pr2)
LetSimp(v, pr1, pr2)
letRec(v1, v2, pr1, pr2)
LetRec(v1, v2, pr1, pr2)
fromString s
input fil
toPP pr
toString pr
to a string.
output(fil, pr)
to the file named by fil
compare(pr1, pr2)
local fun constKind Nil = 1 | constKind True = 2 | constKind False = 3 fun compareConst(con, con') = con, constKind con') fun operKind IsNil = 1 | operKind IsInt = 2 | operKind IsNeg = 3 | operKind IsZero = 4 | operKind IsPos = 5 | operKind IsSym = 6 | operKind IsStr = 7 | operKind IsPair = 8 | operKind IsLam = 9 | operKind Plus = 10 | operKind Minus = 11 | operKind Compare = 12 | operKind Fst = 13 | operKind Snd = 14 | operKind ConsSym = 15 | operKind DeconsSym = 16 | operKind SymListToStr = 17 | operKind StrToSymList = 18 fun compareOperat(oper, oper') = oper, operKind oper') fun kind(Var _) = 1 | kind(Const _) = 2 | kind(Int _) = 3 | kind(Sym _) = 4 | kind(Str _) = 5 | kind(Pair _) = 6 | kind(Calc _) = 7 | kind(Cond _) = 9 | kind(App _) = 8 | kind(Lam _) = 10 | kind(LetSimp _) = 11 | kind(LetRec _) = 12 in fun compare(pr, pr') = case pr, kind pr') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => (case (pr, pr') of (Var v, Var v') =>, v') | (Const con, Const con') => compareConst(con, con') | (Int n, Int n') =>, n') | (Sym a, Sym a') =>, a') | (Str x, Str x') =>, x') | (Pair(pr1, pr2), Pair(pr1', pr2')) => (case compare(pr1, pr1') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr2, pr2') | GREATER => GREATER) | (Calc(oper, pr), Calc(oper', pr')) => (case compareOperat(oper, oper') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr, pr') | GREATER => GREATER) | (Cond(pr1, pr2, pr3), Cond(pr1', pr2', pr3')) => (case compare(pr1, pr1') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => (case compare(pr2, pr2') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr3, pr3') | GREATER => GREATER) | GREATER => GREATER) | (App(pr1, pr2), App(pr1', pr2')) => (case compare(pr1, pr1') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr2, pr2') | GREATER => GREATER) | (Lam(v, pr), Lam(v', pr')) => (case, v') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr, pr') | GREATER => GREATER) | (LetSimp(v, pr1, pr2), LetSimp(v', pr1', pr2')) => (case, v') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => (case compare(pr1, pr1') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr2, pr2') | GREATER => GREATER) | GREATER => GREATER) | (LetRec(v1, v2, pr1, pr2), LetRec(v1', v2', pr1', pr2')) => (case, v1') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => (case, v2') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => (case compare(pr1, pr1') of LESS => LESS | EQUAL => compare(pr2, pr2') | GREATER => GREATER) | GREATER => GREATER) | GREATER => GREATER) | _ => M.cannotHappen()) | GREATER => GREATER end
equal(pr1, pr2)
and pr2
are equal.
toStr pr
as a Forlan string, over the alphabet consisting of the symbols <comma>
, <perc>
, <tilde>
, <openPar>
, <closPar>
, <less>
and <great>
fromStr x
encodes. Issues an error message if x
isn't the code of a program.
validPath(pr, ns)
is a valid path for pr
height pr
size pr
numLeaves pr
select(pr, ns)
pointed to by ns
. Issues an error message if ns
isn't a valid path for pr
update(pr, ns, pr')
pointed to by ns
with pr'
. Issues an error message if ns
isn't valid for pr
maximumLengthPath pr
validLeafPath(pr, ns)
is a valid path for pr
that points to a leaf of pr
, i.e., to a subtree with no children.
free pr
type cp
toClosed pr
. Issues an error message if pr
is not closed.
fromClosed pr
subst(pr, v, pr')
for all the free occurrences of v
in pr'
isValue pr
is a value.
datatype step
= Value
| Error
| Next of cp
step pr
one step. (See the textbook for its specification.) If the result is Value
, this means that pr
is a value. If the result is Error
, this means that pr is an error. And, if the result is Next
, this means that running pr
one step resulted in pr'
datatype run
= Ans of cp
| Fail of cp
| Intermed of cp
run(pr, n)
steps. A result of Ans pr'
means that pr
terminated with a value pr'
. A result of Fail pr'
means that pr
terminated with an error pr'
. And a result of Intermed pr'
means that an intermediate result pr'
was produced. Issues an error message if n
is negative.
evaluate(pr, n)
produced by evaluating run(pr, n)
. Issues an error message if pr
is not closed, or if n
is negative.
datatype accept
= Accept
| RejectWithFalse
| RejectOtherwise
| Unknown of cp
accept pr (x, n)
accepts x
, based on running App(pr, Str x)
for n
steps (or less, if fewer steps suffice to give a definitive answer). A result of Accept
means that pr
accepted x
by terminating with Const True
. A result of RejectWithFalse
means that pr
rejected x
by yielding Const
. A result of RejectOtherwise
means that pr
rejected x
by terminating with a value other than Const True
or Const False
, or with an error. And a result of Unknown cp
means that n
steps of evaluation produced an intermediate program pr'
that is neither a value nor an error.
accepted pr
isn't closed. Otherwise, returns a function f
that behaves as follows, when called with argument (x, n)
. If n
is negative, then an error message is issued. Otherwise, it explains the significance of the value of type accept
produced by evaluating accept pr (x, n)
toRep pr
toRep pr
is a program representation, then toRep
returns the program represented by pr
; otherwise, it issues an error message.
isRep pr
is a program representation.
jforlanEdit prog
, and returning the resulting program that the user commits. Issues an error message if the user aborts, instead.
Forlan Version 4.15
Copyright © 2022 Alley Stoughton