Forlan Manual

The PT Module


signature PT
structure PT :> PT

This module defines the abstract type of parse trees.


datatype concr = Node of Sym.sym * concr list option
type pt
val fromConcr : concr -> pt
val toConcr : pt -> concr
val fromString : string -> pt
val input : string -> pt
val toPP : pt -> PP.pp
val toString : pt -> string
val output : string * pt -> unit
val validPath : pt * int list -> bool
val height : pt -> int
val size : pt -> int
val numLeaves : pt -> int
val selectPT : pt * int list -> pt option
val update : pt * int list * pt -> pt
val maximumLengthPath : pt -> int list
val validLeafPath : pt * int list -> bool
val compare : pt Sort.total_ordering
val equal : pt * pt -> bool
val cons : Sym.sym * pt list option -> pt
val leaf : Sym.sym -> pt
val decons : pt -> Sym.sym * pt list option
val rootLabel : pt -> Sym.sym
val yield : pt -> Str.str
type pumping_division = (pt * int list) * (pt * int list) * pt
val checkPumpingDivision : pumping_division -> unit
val validPumpingDivision : pumping_division -> bool
val strsOfValidPumpingDivision : pumping_division
                                   -> Str.str * Str.str * Str.str * Str.str * Str.str
val pumpValidPumpingDivision : pumping_division * int -> pt
val findValidPumpingDivision : pt -> pumping_division
val findValidPumpingDivisionOpt : pt -> pumping_division option
val jforlanNew : unit -> pt
val jforlanEdit : pt -> pt
val jforlanValidate : string -> unit
val jforlanPretty : string -> unit


datatype concr = Node of Sym.sym * concr list option
The concrete datatype of parse trees. If a is a symbol, then Node(a, NONE) is the parse tree whose root node is labeled by a, and which has a single child, labeled by %, with no children. And, if a is a symbol and pts is a list of parse trees, then Node(a, SOME pts) is the parse tree whose root node is labeled by a and whose children are the elements of pts, if any.

type pt
The abstract type of parse trees, consisting of the values of type concr.

fromConcr concr
returns concr.

toConcr pt
returns pt.

fromString s
inputs a parse tree from s.

input fil
inputs a parse tree from the file named by fil.

toPP pt
returns a pretty-printing expression for pt.

toString pt
pretty-prints pt to a string.

output(fil, pt)
pretty-prints pt to the file named by fil.

validPath(pt, ns)
tests whether ns is a valid path for pt.

height pt
returns the height of pt.

size pt
returns the size of pt.

numLeaves pt
returns the number of leaves of pt.

selectPT(pt, ns)
Suppose tr is the subtree of pt pointed to by ns. If tr is % (i.e., has a single node, labeled by %), then selectPT returns NONE. Otherwise, selectPT returns SOME tr. Issues an error message if ns isn't a valid path for pt.

update(pt, ns, pt')
returns the result of replacing the subtree of pt pointed to by ns with pt'. Issues an error message if ns isn't valid for pt.

maximumLengthPath pt
returns a leftmost, maximum length path for pt.

validLeafPath(pt, ns)
tests whether ns is a valid path for pt that points to a leaf of pt, i.e., to a subtree with no children.

is defined by:
  fun compare(Node(a1, SOME pt1s), Node(a2, SOME pt2s)) =
        (case, a2) of
              LESS    => LESS
            | EQUAL   => Set.compareList compare (pt1s, pt2s)
            | GREATER => GREATER)
    | compare(Node(a1, NONE),      Node(a2, NONE))      =, a2)
    | compare(Node(_, SOME _),     Node(_, NONE))       = LESS
    | compare(Node(_, NONE),       Node(_, SOME _))     = GREATER

equal(pt1, pt2)
tests whether pt1 and pt2 are equal.

cons(a, ptsOpt)
returns Node(a, ptsOpt).

leaf a
returns the tree with a single node labeled a.

decons pt
returns (a, ptsOpt), where a and ptsOpt are unique such that pt is equal to Node(a, ptsOpt).

rootLabel pt
returns the root label of pt.

yield pt
returns the yield of pt.

type pumping_division = (pt * int list) * (pt * int list) * pt
The following functions on pumping divisions can be used to experiment with the pumping lemma for context-free languages.

A pumping division ((pt1, path1), (pt2, path2), path3) is valid iff:

checkPumpingDivision pd
checks whether pd is valid, silently returning (), if it is, and issuing an error message explaining why it's not, if it's not.

validPumpingDivision pd
tests whether pd is valid.

strsOfValidPumpingDivision((pt1, path1), (pt2, path2), pt3)
returns (u, v, w, x, y), where: Issues an error message if the pumping division isn't valid.

pumpValidPumpingDivision(((pt1, path1), (pt2, path2), pt3), n)
  let fun pow 0 = pt3
        | pow n = update(pt2, path2, pow(n - 1))
  in update(pt1, path1, pow n) end
Issues an error message if the pumping division isn't valid, or if n is negative.

findValidPumpingDivision pt
tries to find a valid pumping division pd such that pumpValidPumpingDivision(pd, 1) is pt. It works as follows. First, the leftmost, maximum length path path through pt is found. If this path points to %, then an error message is issued. Otherwise, findValidPumpingDivision generates the following list of variables paired with prefixes of path: (Of course, the left-hand side of the last of these pairs is the root label of pt.) As it works through these pairs, it looks for the first repetition of variables. If there is no such repetition, it issues an error message. Otherwise, suppose that: Now, it lets: If pd is a valid pumping division (only the last four conditions of the definition of validity remain to be checked), it is returned by findValidPumpingDivision. Otherwise, an error message is issued.

findValidPumpingDivisionOpt pt
behaves like findValidPumpingDivision pt, except that:

invokes JForlan, and returns the parse tree that the user creates and commits. Issues an error message if the user aborts, instead.

jforlanEdit pt
invokes JForlan, letting the user edit pt, and returning the resulting parse tree that the user commits. Issues an error message if the user aborts, instead.

is a low-level function used by JForlan. See the code for more information.

is a low-level function used by JForlan. See the code for more information.

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Forlan Version 4.15
Copyright © 2022 Alley Stoughton