The Standard ML Basis Library

The INetSock structure


signature INET_SOCK  (* OPTIONAL *)
structure INetSock :> INET_SOCK  (* OPTIONAL *)

This structure provides operations for creating and manipulating Internet-domain addresses and sockets.


type inet
type 'sock_type sock = (inet, 'sock_type) Socket.sock
type 'mode stream_sock = 'mode sock
type dgram_sock = Socket.dgram sock
type sock_addr = inet Socket.sock_addr
val inetAF : Socket.AF.addr_family
val toAddr : NetHostDB.in_addr * int -> sock_addr
val fromAddr : sock_addr -> NetHostDB.in_addr * int
val any : int -> sock_addr
structure UDP : sig
    val socket : unit -> dgram_sock
    val socket' : int -> dgram_sock
structure TCP : sig
    val socket : unit -> 'mode stream_sock
    val socket' : int -> 'mode stream_sock
    val getNODELAY : 'mode stream_sock -> bool
    val setNODELAY : 'mode stream_sock * bool -> unit


type inet
The witness type of the INet address family.

type 'mode stream_sock = 'mode sock
The type-scheme of Internet-domain stream sockets; The type parameter 'mode can be instantiated to either or Socket.passive.

type dgram_sock = Socket.dgram sock
The type of Internet-domain datagram sockets.

type sock_addr = inet Socket.sock_addr
The type of Internet-domain socket addresses.

val inetAF : Socket.AF.addr_family
The address family value that represents the Internet domain.

toAddr (ia, i)
converts an Internet address ia and a port number i into a socket address (in the INet address family).

val fromAddr : sock_addr -> NetHostDB.in_addr * int
This function converts a socket address (in the INet address family) into a pair (ia,i) of an Internet address ia and a port number i.

any port
creates a socket address that fixes the port to port, but leaves the Internet address unspecified. This function corresponds to the INADDR_ANY constant in the C Sockets API. The values created by this function are used to bind a socket to a specific port.

structure UDP

val socket : unit -> dgram_sock
This creates a datagram socket in the INet address family with the default protocol. It raises SysErr if there are too many sockets in use.

socket' prot
creates a datagram socket in the INet address family with the protocol number prot. The interpretation of prot is system dependent, but a value of 0 is equivalent to socket(). It raises SysErr if there are too many sockets in use.

structure TCP

val socket : unit -> 'mode stream_sock
This creates a stream socket in the INet address family with the default protocol. It raises SysErr if there are too many sockets in use.

socket' prot
creates a stream socket in the INet address family with the protocol number prot. The interpretation of prot is system dependent, but a value of 0 is equivalent to socket().

val getNODELAY : 'mode stream_sock -> bool
val setNODELAY : 'mode stream_sock * bool -> unit
These functions query and set the TCP_NODELAY flag on the socket. When set to false (the default), there is only a single small packet allowed to be outstanding on a given TCP connection at any time, thereby reducing small packet traffic on slower WANs. When set to true, packets are sent as fast as possible. [[Refer to Stevens, p.316.]]

See Also

GenericSock, NetHostDB, Socket, UnixSock

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Generated October 02, 2003
Last Modified June 5, 1998
Comments to John Reppy.

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