The Standard ML Basis Library

The STRING signature


signature STRING
structure String :> STRING
  where type string = string
  where type string = CharVector.vector
  where type char = Char.char
structure WideString :> STRING  (* OPTIONAL *)
  where type string = WideCharVector.vector
  where type char = WideChar.char

The STRING signature specifies the basic operations on a string type, which is a vector of the underlying character type char as defined in the structure.

The STRING signature is matched by two structures, the required String and the optional WideString. The former implements strings based on the extended ASCII 8-bit characters, and is a companion structure to the Char structure. The latter provides strings of characters of some size greater than or equal to 8 bits, and is related to the structure WideChar. In particular, the type String.char is identical to the type Char.char and, when WideString is defined, the type WideString.char is identical to the type WideChar.char. These connections are made explicit in the Text and WideText structures, which match the TEXT signature.


eqtype string
eqtype char
val maxSize : int
val size : string -> int
val sub : string * int -> char
val extract   : string * int * int option -> string
val substring : string * int * int -> string
val ^ : string * string -> string
val concat : string list -> string
val concatWith : string -> string list -> string
val str : char -> string
val implode : char list -> string
val explode : string -> char list
val map : (char -> char) -> string -> string
val translate : (char -> string) -> string -> string
val tokens : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val fields : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val isPrefix    : string -> string -> bool
val isSubstring : string -> string -> bool
val isSuffix    : string -> string -> bool
val compare : string * string -> order
val collate : (char * char -> order)
                -> string * string -> order
val <  : string * string -> bool
val <= : string * string -> bool
val >  : string * string -> bool
val >= : string * string -> bool

val toString : string -> String.string
val scan       : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader
                   -> (string, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : String.string -> string option
val toCString : string -> String.string
val fromCString : String.string -> string option


val maxSize : int
The longest allowed size of a string.

size s
returns |s|, the number of characters in string s.

sub (s, i)
returns the i(th) character of s, counting from zero. This raises Subscript if i < 0 or |s| <= i.

extract (s, i, NONE)
extract (s, i, SOME j)
substring (s, i, j)
These return substrings of s. The first returns the substring of s from the i(th) character to the end of the string, i.e., the string s[i..|s|-1]. This raises Subscript if i < 0 or |s| < i. The second form returns the substring of size j starting at index i, i.e., the string s[i..i+j-1]. It raises Subscript if i < 0 or j < 0 or |s| < i + j. Note that, if defined, extract returns the empty string when i = |s|.

The third form returns the substring s[i..i+j-1], i.e., the substring of size j starting at index i. This is equivalent to extract(s, i, SOME j).

Implementation note:

Implementations of these functions must perform bounds checking in such a way that the Overflow exception is not raised.

s ^ t
is the concatenation of the strings s and t. This raises Size if |s| + |t| > maxSize.

concat l
is the concatenation of all the strings in l. This raises Size if the sum of all the sizes is greater than maxSize.

concatWith s l
returns the concatenation of the strings in the list l using the string s as a separator. This raises Size if the size of the resulting string would be greater than maxSize.

str c
is the string of size one containing the character c.

implode l
generates the string containing the characters in the list l. This is equivalent to concat ( str l). This raises Size if the resulting string would have size greater than maxSize.

explode s
is the list of characters in the string s.

map f s
applies f to each element of s from left to right, returning the resulting string. It is equivalent to implode( f (explode s)).

translate f s
returns the string generated from s by mapping each character in s by f. It is equivalent to concat( f (explode s)).

tokens f s
fields f s
These functions return a list of tokens or fields, respectively, derived from s from left to right. A token is a non-empty maximal substring of s not containing any delimiter. A field is a (possibly empty) maximal substring of s not containing any delimiter. In both cases, a delimiter is a character satisfying the predicate f.

Two tokens may be separated by more than one delimiter, whereas two fields are separated by exactly one delimiter. For example, if the only delimiter is the character #"|", then the string "|abc||def" contains two tokens "abc" and "def", whereas it contains the four fields "", "abc", "" and "def".

isPrefix s1 s2
isSubstring s1 s2
isSuffix s1 s2
These functions return true if the string s1 is a prefix, substring, or suffix (respectively) of the string s2. Note that the empty string is a prefix, substring, and suffix of any string, and that a string is a prefix, substring, and suffix of itself.

compare (s, t)
does a lexicographic comparison of the two strings using the ordering on the characters. It returns LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER, if s is less than, equal to, or greater than t, respectively.

collate f (s, t)
performs lexicographic comparison of the two strings using the given ordering f on characters.

val < : string * string -> bool
val <= : string * string -> bool
val > : string * string -> bool
val >= : string * string -> bool
These functions compare two strings lexicographically, using the underlying ordering on the char type.

toString s
returns a string corresponding to s, with non-printable characters replaced by SML escape sequences. This is equivalent to

translate Char.toString s

scan getc strm
fromString s
These functions scan their character source as a sequence of printable characters, converting SML escape sequences into the appropriate characters. They do not skip leading whitespace. They return as many characters as can successfully be scanned, stopping when they reach the end of the source or a non-printing character (i.e., one not satisfying isPrint), or if they encounter an improper escape sequence. fromString ignores the remaining characters, while scan returns the remaining characters as the rest of the stream.

The function fromString is equivalent to the StringCvt.scanString scan.

If no conversion is possible, e.g., if the first character is non-printable or begins an illegal escape sequence, NONE is returned. Note, however, that fromString "" returns SOME("").

For more information on the allowed escape sequences, see the entry for CHAR.fromString. SML source also allows escaped formatting sequences, which are ignored during conversion. The rule is that if any prefix of the input is successfully scanned, including an escaped formatting sequence, the functions returns some string. They only return NONE in the case where the prefix of the input cannot be scanned at all. Here are some sample conversions:

Input string s fromString s
"\\q" NONE
"a\^D" SOME "a"
"a\\ \\\\q" SOME "a"
"\\ \\" SOME ""
"" SOME ""
"\\ \\\^D" SOME ""
"\\ a" NONE

Implementation note:

Because of the special cases, such as fromString "" = SOME "", fromString "\\ \\\^D" = SOME "", and fromString "\^D" = NONE, the functions cannot be implemented as a simple iterative application of CHAR.scan.

toCString s
returns a string corresponding to s, with non-printable characters replaced by C escape sequences. This is equivalent to

translate Char.toCString s

fromCString s
scans the string s as a string in the C language, converting C escape sequences into the appropriate characters. The semantics are identical to fromString above, except that C escape sequences are used (see ISO C standard ISO/IEC 9899:1990[CITE]).

For more information on the allowed escape sequences, see the entry for CHAR.fromCString. Note that fromCString accepts an unescaped single quote character, but does not accept an unescaped double quote character.

See Also

CHAR, CharArray, CharVector, StringCvt, SUBSTRING, TEXT, WideCharVector

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Generated October 02, 2003
Last Modified October 17, 2000
Comments to John Reppy.

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