The Standard ML Basis Library

The IntInf structure


signature INT_INF  (* OPTIONAL *)
structure IntInf :> INT_INF  (* OPTIONAL *)

The optional IntInf structure is one of the possible implementations of the INTEGER interface. In addition to the INTEGER operations, it provides some operations useful for programming with arbitrarily large integers. Operations in IntInf that return a value of type should never raise the Overflow exception. Note that, as it extends the INTEGER interface, IntInf defines a type int. Any use of this type below, unmodified by a structure, refers to the local type int defined in IntInf.


include INTEGER
val divMod : int * int -> int * int
val quotRem : int * int -> int * int
val pow : int * -> int
val log2 : int ->
val orb  : int * int -> int
val xorb : int * int -> int
val andb : int * int -> int
val notb : int -> int
val << : int * Word.word -> int
val ~>> : int * Word.word -> int


divMod (i, j)
returns the pair (i div j, i mod j), but is likely to be more efficient than computing both components separately. It raises Div if j = 0.

quotRem (i, j)
returns the pair (i quot j, i rem j), but is likely to be more efficient than computing both components separately. It raises Div if j = 0.

pow (i, j)
returns the result of raising i to the j(th) power. This is well-defined when j > 0. When j = 0, pow(i, j) is 1; in particular, pow(0, 0) is 1. When j < 0, we define the following exceptional cases:
i pow(i,j)
0 Raise Div
|i| = 1 i(j)
|i| > 1 0

log2 i
returns the truncated base-2 logarithm of its argument, i.e., the largest integer k for which pow(2, k) <= i. It raises Domain if i <= 0 and Overflow if the result is not representable as an

val orb : int * int -> int
val xorb : int * int -> int
val andb : int * int -> int
These functions return the bit-wise OR, bit-wise exclusive OR, and bit-wise AND, respectively, of the arguments.

notb i
returns the bit-wise complement (NOT) of i. It is equivalent to ~(i + 1).

<< (i, n)
shifts i to the left by n bit positions, filling in zeros from the right. When i and n are interpreted as integers, the latter non-negative, this returns (i * 2(n)).

~>> (i, n)
shifts i to the right by n bit positions. When i and n are interpreted as integers, the latter non-negative, this returns floor(((i / 2(n)))).

See Also



If an implementation provides the IntInf structure, then the type must be the same as the type

The bit-wise operations (andb, orb, notb, <<, etc.) treat the integer arguments as having 2's complement representation. In particular, if we let bit = 2(n), we have, for all sufficiently large values of n,

andb(i, bit) = 0 if i >= 0
andb(i, bit) = bit if i < 0


It is useful to have a module providing bit-wise operations on an unbounded domain. Such a module can serve as the basis for implementing sets or bit-vectors. These operations seemed to naturally fit into the specification of the IntInf module, rather than require an additional WordInf structure.

Implementation note:

Having this structure as part of the basis allows implementations to provide compiler or runtime support to optimize integer representation and operations.

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Generated October 02, 2003
Last Modified May 26, 2000
Comments to John Reppy.

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