The Standard ML Basis Library

The MATH signature


signature MATH
structure Math :> MATH
  where type real = Real.real

The signature MATH specifies basic mathematical constants, the square root function, and trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, and logarithmic functions based on a real type. The functions defined here have roughly the same semantics as their counterparts in ISO C's math.h.

The top-level structure Math provides these functions for the default real type Real.real.

In the functions below, unless specified otherwise, if any argument is a NaN, the return value is a NaN. In a list of rules specifying the behavior of a function in special cases, the first matching rule defines the semantics.


type real
val pi : real
val e : real
val sqrt : real -> real
val sin : real -> real
val cos : real -> real
val tan : real -> real
val asin : real -> real
val acos : real -> real
val atan : real -> real
val atan2 : real * real -> real
val exp : real -> real
val pow : real * real -> real
val ln    : real -> real
val log10 : real -> real
val sinh : real -> real
val cosh : real -> real
val tanh : real -> real


val pi : real
The constant pi (3.141592653...).

val e : real
The base e (2.718281828...) of the natural logarithm.

sqrt x
returns the square root of x. sqrt (~0.0) = ~0.0. If x < 0, it returns NaN.

sin x
cos x
tan x
These return the sine, cosine, and tangent, respectively, of x, measured in radians. If x is an infinity, these functions return NaN. Note that tan will produce infinities at various finite values, roughly corresponding to the singularities of the tangent function.

asin x
acos x
These return the arc sine and arc cosine, respectively, of x. asin is the inverse of sin. Its result is guaranteed to be in the closed interval [-pi/2,pi/2]. acos is the inverse of cos. Its result is guaranteed to be in the closed interval [0,pi]. If the magnitude of x exceeds 1.0, they return NaN.

atan x
returns the arc tangent of x. atan is the inverse of tan. For finite arguments, the result is guaranteed to be in the open interval (-pi/2,pi/2). If x is +infinity, it returns pi/2; if x is -infinity, it returns -pi/2.

atan2 (y, x)
returns the arc tangent of (y/x) in the closed interval [-pi,pi], corresponding to angles within +-180 degrees. The quadrant of the resulting angle is determined using the signs of both x and y, and is the same as the quadrant of the point (x,y). When x = 0, this corresponds to an angle of 90 degrees, and the result is (real (sign y)) * pi/2.0. It holds that
sign ( cos ( atan2 (y,x))) = sign(x)
sign ( sin ( atan2 (y,x))) = sign(y)
except for inaccuracies incurred by the finite precision of real and the approximation algorithms used to compute the mathematical functions.

Rules for exceptional cases are specified in the following table.

y x atan2(y,x)
+-0 0 < x +-0
+-0 +0 +-0
+-0 x < 0 +-pi
+-0 -0 +-pi
y, 0 < y +-0 pi/2
y, y < 0 +-0 -pi/2
+-y, finite y > 0 +infinity +-0
+-y, finite y > 0 -infinity +-pi
+-infinity finite x +-pi/2
+-infinity +infinity +-pi/4
+-infinity -infinity +-3pi/4

exp x
returns e(x), i.e., e raised to the x(th) power. If x is +infinity, it returns +infinity; if x is -infinity, it returns 0.

pow (x, y)
returns x(y), i.e., x raised to the y(th) power. For finite x and y, this is well-defined when x > 0, or when x < 0 and y is integral. Rules for exceptional cases are specified below.
x y pow(x,y)
x, including NaN 0 1
|x| > 1 +infinity +infinity
|x| < 1 +infinity +0
|x| > 1 -infinity +0
|x| < 1 -infinity +infinity
+infinity y > 0 +infinity
+infinity y < 0 +0
-infinity y > 0, odd integer -infinity
-infinity y > 0, not odd integer +infinity
-infinity y < 0, odd integer -0
-infinity y < 0, not odd integer +0
x NaN NaN
NaN y <> 0 NaN
+-1 +-infinity NaN
finite x < 0 finite non-integer y NaN
+-0 y < 0, odd integer +-infinity
+-0 finite y < 0, not odd integer +infinity
+-0 y > 0, odd integer +-0
+-0 y > 0, not odd integer +0

ln x
log10 r
These return the natural logarithm (base e) and decimal logarithm (base 10), respectively, of x. If x < 0, they return NaN; if x = 0, they return -infinity; if x is infinity, they return infinity.

sinh x
cosh x
tanh x
These return the hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, and hyperbolic tangent, respectively, of x, that is, the values (e(x) - e(-x)) / 2, (e(x) + e(-x)) / 2, and (sinh x)/(cosh x).

For infinities, we have sinh +-infinity = +-infinity, cosh +-infinity = +infinity, and tanh +-infinity = +-1.

See Also


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Generated October 02, 2003
Last Modified May 25, 2000
Comments to John Reppy.

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