The Standard ML Basis Library

The SUBSTRING signature


signature SUBSTRING
structure Substring :> SUBSTRING
  where type substring = CharVectorSlice.slice
  where type string = String.string
  where type char = Char.char
structure WideSubstring :> SUBSTRING  (* OPTIONAL *)
  where type substring = WideCharVectorSlice.slice
  where type string = WideString.string
  where type char = WideChar.char

The SUBSTRING signature specifies manipulations on an abstract representation of a sequence of contiguous characters in a string. A substring value can be modeled as a triple (s, i, n), where s is the underlying string, i is the starting index, and n is the size of the substring, with the constraint that 0 <= i <= i + n <= |s|.

The substring type and its attendant functions provide a convenient abstraction for performing a variety of common analyses of strings, such as finding the leftmost occurrence, if any, of a character in a string. In addition, using the substring functions avoids much of the copying and bounds checking that occur if similar operations are implemented solely in terms of strings.

The SUBSTRING signature is matched by two structures, the required Substring and the optional WideSubstring. The former is a companion structure to the Char and String structures, which are based on the extended ASCII 8-bit character set. The structure WideSubstring is related in the same way to the structures WideChar and WideString, which are based on characters of some size greater than or equal to 8 bits. In particular, the types Substring.string and Substring.char are identical to those types in the structure String and, when WideSubstring is defined, the types WideSubstring.string and WideSubstring.char are identical to those types in the structure WideString.

All of these connections are made explicit in the Text and WideText structures, which match the TEXT signature. In the exposition below, references to a String structure refers to the substructure of that name defined in either the Text or the WideText structure, which ever is appropriate.

The design of the SUBSTRING interface was influenced by the paper ``Subsequence References: First-Class Values for Substrings,'' by Wilfred J. Hansen[CITE].


type substring
eqtype char
eqtype string

val sub : substring * int -> char
val size : substring -> int
val base : substring -> string * int * int
val extract   : string * int * int option -> substring
val substring : string * int * int -> substring
val full : string -> substring
val string : substring -> string
val isEmpty : substring -> bool
val getc : substring -> (char * substring) option
val first : substring -> char option
val triml : int -> substring -> substring
val trimr : int -> substring -> substring
val slice : substring * int * int option -> substring
val concat : substring list -> string
val concatWith : string -> substring list -> string
val explode : substring -> char list
val isPrefix    : string -> substring -> bool
val isSubstring : string -> substring -> bool
val isSuffix    : string -> substring -> bool
val compare : substring * substring -> order
val collate : (char * char -> order)
                -> substring * substring -> order
val splitl : (char -> bool)
               -> substring -> substring * substring
val splitr : (char -> bool)
               -> substring -> substring * substring
val splitAt : substring * int -> substring * substring
val dropl : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val dropr : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val takel : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val taker : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val position : string -> substring -> substring * substring
val span : substring * substring -> substring
val translate : (char -> string) -> substring -> string
val tokens : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring list
val fields : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring list
val app : (char -> unit) -> substring -> unit
val foldl : (char * 'a -> 'a-> 'a -> substring -> 'a
val foldr : (char * 'a -> 'a-> 'a -> substring -> 'a


sub (s, i)
returns the i(th) character in the substring, counting from the beginning of s. It is equivalent to String.sub(string s, i). The exception Subscript is raised unless 0 <= i < |s|.

size s
returns the size of s. This is equivalent to #3 o base and String.size o string.

base ss
returns a triple (s, i, n) giving a concrete representation of the substring. s is the underlying string, i is the starting index, and n is the size of the substring. It will always be the case that 0 <= i <= i + n <= |s| .

extract (s, i, NONE)
extract (s, i, SOME j)
substring (s, i, j)
The first returns the substring of s from the i(th) character to the end of the string, i.e., the string s[i..|s|-1]. This raises Subscript unless 0 <= i <= |s|. The second form returns the substring of size j starting at index i, i.e., the string s[i..i+j-1]. It raises Subscript if i < 0 or j < 0 or |s| < i + j. Note that, if defined, extract returns the empty substring when i = |s|.

The third form returns the substring s[i..i+j-1], i.e., the substring of size j starting at index i. This is equivalent to extract(s, i, SOME j).

We require that base o substring be the identity function on valid arguments.

Implementation note:

Implementations of these functions must perform bounds checking in such a way that the Overflow exception is not raised.

full s
creates a substring representing the entire string s. It is equivalent to the expression substring(s, 0, String.size s).

string s
creates a string value corresponding to the substring. It is equivalent to String.substring o base for the corresponding String structure.

isEmpty s
returns true if s has size 0.

getc s
returns the first character in s and the rest of the substring, or NONE if s is empty.

first s
returns the first character in s, or NONE if s is empty.

triml k s
trimr k s
These functions remove k characters from the left (respectively, right) of the substring s. If k is greater than the size of the substring, an empty substring is returned. Specifically, for substring ss = substring(s, i, j) and k <= j, we have:
triml k ss = substring(s, i+k, j-k)
trimr k ss = substring(s, i, j-k)
The exception Subscript is raised if k < 0. This exception is raised when triml k or trimr k is evaluated.

slice (s, i, SOME m)
slice (s, i, NONE)
These return a substring of s starting at the i(th) character. In the former case, the size of the resulting substring is m. Otherwise, the size is |s| - i. To be valid, the arguments in the first case must satisfy 0 <= i, 0 <= m and i + m <= |s|. In the second case, the arguments must satisfy 0 <= i <= |s|. If the arguments are not valid, the exception Subscript is raised.

concat l
generates a string that is the concatenation of the substrings in l. This is equivalent to String.concat o ( string). This raises Size if the sum of all the sizes is greater than the corresponding maxSize for the string type.

concatWith s l
returns the concatenation of the substrings in the list l using the string s as a separator. This raises Size if the size of the resulting string would be greater than maxSize for the string type.

explode s
returns the list of characters composing the substring. This is equivalent to String.explode (string s).

isPrefix s ss
isSubstring s ss
isSuffix s ss
These functions return true if the string s is a prefix, substring, or suffix (respectively) of the substring ss. The functions are equivalent to their versions from STRING. For example, isPrefix s ss is the same as String.isPrefix s (string ss).

compare (s, t)
compares the two substrings lexicographically using the default character comparison function. This is equivalent to (string s, string t)

collate f (s, t)
compares the two substrings lexicographically using the character comparison function f. This is equivalent to
String.collate f (string s, string t)

splitl f s
splitr f s
These functions scan s from left to right (respectively, right to left) looking for the first character that does not satisfy the predicate f. They return the pair (ls, rs) giving the split of the substring into the span up to that character and the rest. ls is the left side of the split, and rs is the right side. For example, if the characters a and c satisfy the predicate, but character X does not, then these functions work as follows on the substring aaaXbbbbXccc:
splitl   :           aaa         XbbbbXccc
splitr   :           aaaXbbbbX   ccc

splitAt (s, i)
returns the pair of substring (ss, ss'), where ss contains the first i characters of s and ss' contains the rest, assuming 0 <= i <= size s. Otherwise, it raises Subscript.

dropl f s
dropr f s
takel f s
taker f s
These routines scan the substring s for the first character not satisfying the predicate p. The functions dropl and takel scan left to right (i.e., increasing character indices), while dropr and taker scan from the right. The drop functions drop the maximal substring consisting of characters satisfying the predicate, while the take functions return the maximal such substring. These can be defined in terms of the split operations:
takel p s = #1(splitl p s)
dropl p s = #2(splitl p s)
taker p s = #2(splitr p s)
dropr p s = #1(splitr p s)

position s ss
splits the substring ss into a pair (pref, suff) of substrings, where suff is the longest suffix of ss that has s as a prefix and pref is the prefix of ss preceding suff. More precisely, let m be the size of s and let ss correspond to the substring (s', i, n). If there is a least index k >= i such that s = s'[k..k+m-1], then suff corresponds to (s', k, n+i-k) and pref corresponds to (s', i, k-i). If there is no such k, then suff is the empty substring corresponding to (s', i+n, 0) and pref corresponds to (s', i, n), i.e., all of ss.

span (ss, ss')
produces a substring composed of a prefix ss, suffix ss', plus all intermediate characters in the underlying string. It raises Span if ss and ss' are not substrings of the same underlying string or if the start of ss is to the right of the end of ss'. More precisely, if we have
val (s, i, n) = base ss
val (s', i', n') = base ss'
then span returns substring(s, i, (i'+n')-i) unless s <> s' or i'+n' < i, in which case it raises Span. Note that this does not preclude ss' from beginning to the left of ss, or ss from ending to the right of ss'.

This function allows one to scan for a substring using multiple pieces and then coalescing the pieces. For example, given a URL string such as

to scan the protocol and host (""), one could write:
  open Substring
  fun protoAndHost url = let
        fun notc (c : char) = fn c' => c <> c'
        val (proto,rest) = splitl (notc #":") (full url)
        val host = takel (notc #"/") (triml 3 rest)
          span (proto, host)
Implementation note:

When applied to substrings derived from the identical base string, the string equality test should be constant time. This can be achieved by first doing a pointer test and, only if that fails, then checking the strings character by character.

translate f s
applies f to every character of s, from left to right, and returns the concatenation of the results. This is equivalent to String.concat( f (explode s)).

tokens f s
fields f s
These functions decompose a substring into a list of tokens or fields from left to right. A token is a non-empty maximal substring not containing any delimiter. A field is a (possibly empty) maximal substring of s not containing any delimiter. In both cases, a delimiter is a character satisfying predicate f.

Two tokens may be separated by more than one delimiter, whereas two fields are separated by exactly one delimiter. For example, if the only delimiter is the character #"|", then the substring "|abc||def" contains two tokens "abc" and "def", whereas it contains the four fields "", "abc", "" and "def".

app f s
applies f to each character of s from left to right. It is equivalent to f (explode s).

foldl f a s
foldr f a s
These fold the function f over the substring s, starting with the value a, from left to right and from right to left, respectively. They are the analogues of the identically named functions in List. In particular, they are respectively equivalent to:
List.foldl f a (explode s)
List.foldr f a (explode s)

See Also

CHAR, List, STRING, StringCvt, TEXT


Implementation note:

Functions that extract pieces of a substring, such as splitl or tokens must return substrings with the same base string. This requirement is particularly important if span is to be used to put the pieces back together again.

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Generated October 02, 2003
Last Modified October 17, 2000
Comments to John Reppy.

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