The Standard ML Basis Library

Change history

The following is a summary of the changes made to the SML Basis Library specification. The changes are listed with the most recent first. This list only covers actual changes or clarifications to the specification; it does not cover changes to the prose or layout.

September 18, 2003

Added fromNanoseconds and toNanoseconds to the Time structure.

September 15, 2003

September 12, 2003

September 11, 2003

September 8, 2003

Changed the names of the PACK_WORD instances to PackWord<N>Big and PackWord<N>Little.

August 26, 2003

August 19, 2003

August 14, 2003

July 30, 2003

July 30, 2003

July 15, 2003

July 14, 2003

July 10, 2003

June 26, 2003

May 9, 2003

April 26, 2003

July 9, 2002

July 3, 2002

June 18, 2002

December 6, 2001

October 29, 2001

October 10, 2001

April 11, 2001

April 3, 2001

December 15, 2000

November 20, 2000

October 31, 2000

October 24, 2000

October 17, 2000

September 20, 2000

September 6, 2000

September 4, 2000

July 17, 2000

June 1, 2000

March 29, 2000

Summer and Fall 1999

April 28, 1999

February 26, 1999

October 5, 1998

August 28, 1998

August 26, 1998

August 12, 1998

July 21, 1998

The question about when to include substructures versus when to include types has been resolved. We are adopting the convention of favoring types over substructures, which results in the following changes:

signature STRING
Replace the Char substructure with a type specification for char.
signature SUBSTRING
Replace the String substructure with type specifications for char and string.
signature MONO_ARRAY
Replace the Vector substructure with a type specification for vector.
signature MONO_ARRAY2
Replace the Vector substructure with a type specification for vector.
In addition, there is a new structure and signature (Text : TEXT), that collect together text related structures.

May 7, 1998

There were many minor changes to the text and formatting. In addition, the following changes to the specification were made:

November 29, 1997

The SML Basis Library specification was re-released on the web. We do not have a list of changes prior to this release.

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Generated October 02, 2003
Last Modified July 9, 2002
Comments to John Reppy.

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